Skincare regimen for Summer

Dr. Reem Al Kaddah: Specialist – Dermatology, iCARE Clinics
Most of us do not think of our skin as an organ, but it is. It is in fact the largest organ of the human body, hence making it an extremely important part of our lives. But do we really look after our skin as well as we think? With the spring season coming to an end, and the harsh summers begin to close in, we need to take proper care of our skin.
Skin is our body’s first line of defense against the nature element’s such as sun and wind. Apart from performing this crucial function, it also keeps us insulated, protects us from harmful chemicals and UV rays, keeps out infections and produces Vitamin D. A remarkable number of people do not know how to protect their skin from excessive and harmful exposure to the sun. In order for this vital organ to keep up its performance we also need to take some exceptional care of it every day. A daily good skin care regime will help you maintain a healthy and beautiful skin.
Daily use of sunscreen every day and every season is a routine that is more than just handy. Look for products that have a sun protection factor (SPF) of around 30, with a label saying “broad-spectrum”. This means it protects against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen should be applied at least 15 minutes before going outside and reapplied every two hours to maintain its effect. Going out in the sun should be avoided between the hours of 10am and 3pm. Also a quick tip for women is to choose cosmetics that contain UV protection.
One of the main reasons for dry skin is excess washing. Excess washing, can decrease moisture as well as makes the skin more prone to being irritated. Especially in the case when using harsh soaps and overusing sanitizers containing alcohol. However, we should also keep in mind that other internal conditions and some medications may cause our skin to dry.
Applying moisturizer right after washing or exfoliating is the best way to keep your skin hydrated. Another essential tip is using very mild glycerin soaps which aren’t harsh… When getting a moisturizer for your skin, look for one with these ingredients: Glycerin, Ceramide, Lecithin, Hyaluronic Acid and Elastin.
Incorporating a little bit of workout has an instant effect on your skin. During a workout, the brain induces a hormone called Oxytocin or otherwise known as the feel good hormone. Oxytocin promotes better sleep, acts as an anti-depressant and a stress – buster. All of these functions keep your skin looking younger and healthier.
The term ‘Beauty Sleep’ is a well coined term. As no human can function well without adequate sleep, similarly your skin too cannot function with lack of sleep. On a daily basis, one should try to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep.
Finally overall personal hygiene is equally important. Daily showering, washing, brushing, cleansing and moisturizing of your body, will keep your skin in prime and healthy condition. Consult your dermatologist who will advise you on the right products for your skin type and provide vital information on the usage of products.
Remember a happy you equals happy skin!