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Dr. Wafaa Saliba


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Mr. Jithin Marcose



Practice Locations: Book Appointment

Mr. Jithin Marcose, a physiotherapist at iCare Clinics in Dubai, holds a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from AWH Special College, India. With over 11 years of experience, he specializes in managing limited range of movement due to accidents, illness, or age using manual techniques and exercises. Previously associated with renowned clinics in India and the UAE, Mr. Jithin brings extensive expertise to iCare Clinics.


  • KIASTM: Kinesio Instrument (Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)
  • Orthopedic Physiotherapy Management (Inflammatory, Deformities,
  • Fractures, Pain Management, Surgical Managements, Ligament Injuries)
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation (Chest Physiotherapy)
  • Neurological Rehabilitation (Stroke Rehabilitation by Neural Development Treatment, Parkinson’s Disease Management by Muscle Re-education and balance training to Regain Gait Cycle, Co-ordination Management and other Neurological Disorders)
  • Pediatric Physiotherapy (Movement difficulty restoration, Treatment for Cerebral Palsy, Development Delay, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Acquired Brain Injury, Down Syndrome)
  • Pre-surgical and post-surgical management for Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Soft Injury Repairing, Cervical, and Spinal related surgeries, post-traumatic stiffness, and gastro-intestinal surgeries
  • Myofascial Release, Manual Therapy Techniques
  • Gynecological Care (Antenatal and Postnatal)
  • Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine
  • Gait Training (Amputee, Orthosis & Prosthesis Management)

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