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Dr. Wafaa Saliba


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Dr. Usman Ali - Specialist Internal Medicine Discovery Gardens

Dr. Usman Ali


Specialist Internal Medicine

Practice Locations: Book Appointment

Dr. Usman Ali (MBBS, MRCP, Dip DM) is an accomplished Internal Medicine Specialist and Diabetologist with 15+ years of experience across UAE, Pakistan, and Germany. He specializes in chronic disease management, critical care, and patient education. Dr. Usman Ali is now available for consultations at iCARE Clinics, Discovery Gardens.


  • Diploma in Diabetes Mellitus, University of South Wales, U.K.
  • MRCP (Medicine), Membership of Royal Colleges of Physicians, U.K.
  • USMLE STEP 1 & 2, United States Medical Licensing Exam
  • M.B.B.S, Gulf Medical University, UAE
  • F.Sc (Pre-Medical), Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • O-Levels, University of London, England


  • Chronic Disease Management (Diabetes, Hypertension, and Cholestrol management etc.)
  • Cardiovascular Disease Management (Chest pain, and Shortness of breath etc)
  • Respiratory Disease Management (Asthma, and COPD etc)
  • Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders (Thyroid disorders, Bone disorders, and Obesity management etc)
  • Gastroenterology Disorders (IBS, Fatty liver, Gastritis, and Chronic Liver diseases etc)
  • Nephrology Disorders (Chronic kidney diseases, and kidney stones etc)
  • Infectious Disease Management (Pneumonia, Urinary tract infection, and sepsis etc)
  • Rheumatology & Immunology (Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, and Gout etc)
  • Neurology Disorders (Stroke prevention, headaches, and neuropathies etc)
  • Geriatric & Critical Care Medicine (initial DKA, Stroke, and Heart attack etc management before specialist referral.)
  • Preventive Medicine & Health Promotion (Routine health check-ups, and vaccinations)
  • Patient Education & Counseling (smoking cessation and cancer screening)
  • Palliative Care & Multisystem Disease Management

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