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Dr. Wafaa Saliba


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Dr Jishalakshmi. E


General Practitioner

Practice Locations: Book Appointment

Dr. Jishalakshmi E is an esteemed medical professional with over 22 years of experience as a General Practitioner (GP). She has dedicated 16 years of her career to providing exceptional healthcare in the UAE.

A pioneer in International City, Dr. Jishalakshmi is a founding member of Apple Clinic (now ICARE BLUE), where she has been instrumental in establishing and growing the practice. Her passion for diabetes care is evident in her specialized postgraduate diploma in diabetes from Leicester, UK. This advanced training has enabled her to offer expert care and management for diabetes patients, significantly improving their quality of life.

Dr. Jishalakshmi is known for her flare and passionate care, consistently demonstrating dependability and commitment to her patients. Her extensive experience and deep knowledge make her a trusted and respected figure in the medical community. With a focus on delivering high-quality, compassionate healthcare, Dr. Jishalakshmi E continues to be a beacon of excellence in her field.

At present she is also covering the pediatric department in the clinic too.


  • Management and follow up of diabetes mellitus
  • Management of all acute and chronic pediatric and adult medical conditions bronchial asthma,hypertension,myocardial infarction etc
  • Adult and childhood vaccinations
  • Minor surgical procedures – suturing of wounds / incision and drainage / nail excision / foreign body removal ears nose eyes /
  • Ears and nose piercings

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